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Health Services


Concord Road School nurses serve as health counselors for students, parents/guardians, and staff as well as the liaison with outside health care providers whose treatment of students is relevant to the students' school progress. The nurses perform all New York State mandated health screenings, dispense medications to students according to physician orders, and provide emergency and routine medical care to students and staff. In addition, the nurses monitor the certification of medical immunizations and keep on record completed physical examination forms for all new students and students entering grades Kindergarten, 1 and 3.

Health Requirements

Parents/guardians of new students to the districts and incoming students entering grades K, 1 and 3:

New York State Mandated Health Regulations.

Up-to-date physical examinations and immunizations are required for Kindergarten, 1st and 3rd graders and all new students as stated below.  A dental health certificate is also requested by NYSED. 

The New York State Law requires all students to be fully Immunized against Polio, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP), Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis B and Varicella (Chicken Pox) or a physician's documented record of disease or titer. 

A Physical Examination performed by a New York State licensed physician is required for *Kindergarten and grades 1, 3 5, 7, 9, 11 and all NEW students entering this district.  All physical exams must be performed no more than 12 months prior to the start of the school year in which the exam is required.  

EXCLUSION from school will result if the above requirements are not met.

Your compliance with the above regulations would be greatly appreciated.  If you have any questions, please call the nurse during school hours.   

Parents/guardians are encouraged to share with the school nurses any health issues, prescribed medications or emotional issues that may affect their child's performance in school.


Many children have allergies to certain foods or food additives. Additionally, students may suffer from insect allergies and/or sensitivities to seasonal airborne allergens. It is always important for your child’s teacher and the Health Office to be alerted to any and all allergies and for the nurse to be in possession of your child’s required medication for the allergy. Only with the complete disclosure can we make adequate preparations to keep your child safe.

Please print out the (Emergency Care Plan) Food Allergy action plan if your child requires Benadryl, Auvi-Q or Epipen at school, and return this form to the nurse.  Please also print out the Allergy Information form if you would like your child to have special seating options in our cafeteria.  Please return this to the nurse as well. 


Under NYS Law, students may not be admitted to class without proof of an up-to-date immunization record. This is an official document prepared by your child's physician and submitted to our Health Office to be kept in your child's health records.


A complete updated physical is also required for any new student and for all students in grades K, 1, and 3.  Please call the Health Office, 231-0890, for more information regarding process and forms.

Injury or Illness at School

Medications in School

  • All medications coming into the school must be brought to the Nurse's Office by a child's parent or guardian.
  • Prescription medication must be in the original container with the pharmacy label attached. Non-prescription (OTC) medications must be in the original container with the child's name attached to it.
  • All medications, including any over-the-counter preparations, must have a written order from the prescribing physician and the parent/guardian's permission (parental consent). The order must contain the name of the child, the name of the medication, dosage, frequency of administration and what is being treated.
  • Please print out the Medication Administration Form and have it filled out, signed and returned to the nurse. 
  • Medication orders must be dated after July 1, for the upcoming school year, and renewed annually. 
  • NYS Education Law prohibits children from carrying medication: Students are not allowed to bring in medications from home, to carry or dispense to themselves or to others.  NO medication should be sent in a student's backpack. 

    For more information, please contact the Health Office at 231-0890.

Medications and Field Trips

Students who require medication during the school day will have a parent/guardian requested as a chaperone in order to provide for the taking of such medication.

ALL students who require the use of an EpiPen or Auvi-Q will have their EpiPens/Auvi-Q accompany them on any field trip. Every staff member has been trained in the signal for and the administration of an EpiPen.

Should I Stay Home If...?

Parents/guardian often ask, “When should my child remain at home?”  Health Office guidelines are as follows.

A child should remain at home if:

  • There is any fever. A child is considered to have a fever if their temperature is over 100.0 degrees. Children should remain at home until they are 24 hours fever free.
  • There are any signs or symptoms of gastroenteritis (vomiting and/or diarrhea).
  • There has been a diagnosis of strep throat or scarlet fever. A child must be on antibiotics for a full 24 hours before returning to school. Please call the attendance office if your child has Strep or any other contagious illness. 
  • There are signs of head lice.

District Wellness Committee

All schools/districts are now mandated to have Wellness Committees. The goal of this committee is to promote healthy lifestyles around increased physical activity and healthier food choices. Our Wellness Committee has worked collaboratively with our Food Service Provider to create healthy and attractive choices for our students' breakfast, lunch and snack programs. 


Sometimes it can be difficult for a parent/guardian to decide whether to send children to school when they wake up with symptoms of an illness or complaints that they do not feel well.

The following are a few situations that warrant watching and possibly calling your health care provider:

  • Persistent fever greater than 100° orally, including a fever that requires control with medication such as Tylenol;
  • The child is too sleepy or ill from an illness, like vomiting and/or diarrhea;
  • A cough that makes a child feel uncomfortable or disrupts the class;
  • A sore throat that is severe along with fever and feeling ill for more than 48 hours, OR after known exposure to a confirmed case of Strep throat infection;
  • Honey-crusted sores around the nose or mouth or rash on other body parts; OR a rash in various stages including boils, sores, and bumps that may be chicken pox; OR a significant rash accompanied by other symptoms of illness such as fever;
  • Red, runny eyes that distract the child from learning;
  • A large amount of discolored nasal discharge, especially if accompanied by facial pain or a headache;
  • Severe ear pain or drainage from the ear;
  • A severe headache, especially if accompanied by fever;
  • Any condition that you think may be serious or contagious to others.

Whenever there is an outbreak of a specific contagious infection, the school sends out a notice to alert you to watch out for any symptoms. If your child starts to develop symptoms, it is important that you alert your own health care provider that your child had a possible exposure. Be sure to ask your provider when it is safe for your child to return to school, both for your child’s health and for the health of the rest of the school.

Finally, if you know your child is still running a fever, it is not a good idea simply to give them Tylenol and send them onto school because as soon as the medicine wears off, you are apt to get a call from the school nurse to leave work and come to pick up your feverish child. It is better to let them stay home in bed with a fever and take their medications at home until they are off all medicines and ready to learn for a full day in a classroom.  Remember, whenever you keep your child home from school, please call the school nurse or attendance office in advance of the start of the school day and leave a message that your child will be absent. 

Health Office

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If your child is going to be absent or late, please email the attendance office or call the attendance office (231-0892) before 9:00 AM to report the reason for his/her absence or lateness.  

Please email or call the attendance office even if you have notified the teacher.  You may email or call anytime day or night.